What Is Service Line Coverage?

As a homeowner, you may not realize you’re legally responsible for repairing the damaged underground service lines that run to your home. The need for repairs on these essential pipes and wires can arise suddenly and be costly, requiring a chunk of change that not all homeowners have lying around. Service line coverage can protect you from these expensive repairs.
Service lines are exterior, underground piping and wiring, including permanent connections, valves or attached devices that provide a service to the residence. Examples include water supply, electrical power, gas, heating, waste disposal and communications.
Okay, now you know what service lines are, but is water and sewer line insurance worth it? To answer this question, it’s important to know without this coverage added to your home policy, you may have no coverage for this currently. Service Line Coverage is an add-on insurance, also known as an optional coverage, meaning it’s likely not part of your standard homeowners policy, unless it has been specifically added. Many homeowners do not realize they’re financially responsible for these lines or assume they’re covered by utility companies or the city. This coverage offers peace of mind knowing that you have coverage in place when the unexpected happens and a large bill shows up with your name on it.
There are many ways service lines can be damaged, both naturally occurring and not. These are some of the most common:
With Farm Bureau Service Line Coverage, repair or replacement of the service line and the cost of excavating or digging up the service line is typically included. Property damage caused by the service line failure, expenses to expedite repairs and living expenses during repairs may also be covered.
Some of the service lines that will not be covered include disconnected service lines, portions of pipes or wires that run through or under a body of water or home foundation and other damaging events that are covered by another policy like a fire or explosion.
Service Line coverage is a low cost, high value add-on insurance that may be worth considering in tandem with your home policy. Talk to your Farm Bureau agent today to find out how this coverage may work with your plan.