1National Safety Council
Loss Control Services
Want to learn more?
We can help!
Know the Risks
Whether you are operating a factory or a farm, maintaining the health and safety of your employees and customers is critical to your success. Did you know, every seven seconds, a worker is injured on the job in the United States1? Additionally, agriculture ranks as one of the most hazardous industries in the United States2.
You can avoid being part of the statistics. Our Loss Control Services Department can help you protect your business by identifying and evaluating risks in your operation and offering solutions to minimize those risks. Our Loss Control Services Department offers a full array of services to improve the safety of your workplace – all at no additional cost.
At your request, a Farm Bureau loss control professional can conduct an onsite visit to help you evaluate the safety of your operation and develop safety protocols to help prevent injuries to your employees and customers. Following our proactive review, we’ll provide you with a detailed report highlighting recommendations and steps for implementation.
No safety program is complete without proper training. We can provide training options and other resources on topics including starting a safety program; worker's compensation; slips, trips and falls; back safety and more.
We succeed when you succeed – we’re here to support you. We have loss control professionals available to answer questions on risk issues, – and they are available on your terms. You can email LCS@fbfs.com or call toll free (855) 266-2345, option 6.
Safety is Everyone’s Business
Enhancing the safety of your operation can protect your employees and customers from harm, support the profitability of your business and keep your insurance costs down. We can help you design and customize a program that is right for your business.
2Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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