
Jennifer Bos

929 Broad St, Ste B
Grinnell, IA 50112

Meet Jennifer

Farm Bureau Agent for 7 years

Hi, I'm Jennifer Bos. I am one of the lucky few who get to do what they love everyday. I get to help people! As your Farm Bureau Financial Services agent in Grinnell, IA, I'm committed to helping you prepare for the future and protect what matters most. From insurance for your autos, home, life, business and farm or ranch, to a comprehensive financial plan to help you achieve your goals for the future, my team and I can help customize your coverage to fit your specific needs. Let me help you through all stages of your life. It’s your future. Let’s protect it.®       

For your insurance, investment, or wealth management needs, call (641) 236-3310.

More about Jennifer
The current agent is found in the CurrentAgent model property; there will always be one in an agent section of the website, but corporate pages this may be null:
Jennifer Bos
None -> False
Copy/paste for code for View preview:
<li><b>AboutUrl:</b> @Model.AboutUrl</li>
<li><b>AgentTitle:</b> @Model.AgentTitle</li>
<li><b>Articles:</b> @Model.Articles</li>
<li><b>Awards:</b> @Model.Awards</li>
<li><b>MeetSubtitle:</b> @Model.MeetSubtitle</li>
<li><b>PrimaryOffice:</b> @Model.PrimaryOffice</li>
<li><b>RequestQuoteCtaLabel:</b> @Model.RequestQuoteCtaLabel</li>
<li><b>RequestQuoteCtaUrl:</b> @Model.RequestQuoteCtaUrl</li>
<li><b>ServiceLines:</b> @Model.ServiceLines</li>
<li><b>ShowDisclosuresLink:</b> @Model.ShowDisclosuresLink</li>
<li><b>ShowInvestmentsLink:</b> @Model.ShowInvestmentsLink</li>
<li><b>ShowGoogleReviewCta:</b> @Model.ShowGoogleReviewCta</li>
<li><b>ShowInlineLinksSection:</b> @Model.ShowInlineLinksSection</li>
<li><b>ShowOfficeAddress:</b> @Model.ShowOfficeAddress</li>
<li><b>ShowTestimonialsSection:</b> @Model.ShowTestimonialsSection</li>
<li><b>Testimonials:</b> @Model.Testimonials</li>
<li><b>ViewPath:</b> @Model.ViewPath</li>
<li><b>ArticleHeadline:</b> @Model.ArticleHeadline</li>
<li><b>DisclosuresUrl:</b> @Model.DisclosuresUrl</li>
<li><b>InvestmentsUrl:</b> @Model.InvestmentsUrl</li>
<li><b>MeetCopy:</b> @Model.MeetCopy</li>
<li><b>MeetPhotoAttachment:</b> @Model.MeetPhotoAttachment</li>
<li><b>MeetPhotoUrl:</b> @Model.MeetPhotoUrl</li>
<li><b>NewClientsUrl:</b> @Model.NewClientsUrl</li>
<li><b>ServicesHeadline:</b> @Model.ServicesHeadline</li>
<li><b>ServicesSubheader:</b> @Model.ServicesSubheader</li>
<li><b>TestimonialsHeadline:</b> @Model.TestimonialsHeadline</li>
<li><b>ArticlesOverride:</b> @Model.ArticlesOverride</li>

Agent Setting treenode based properties are also available in CurrentAgent: