Meet Charles

Rural Mutual Agent for 7 years

After almost a decade of working in the insurance business in New Mexico and Idaho, I  moved to Wisconsin to join the Rural Mutual Insurance Company family.  This is an amazing company that provides superior insurance products and claims service.  I am honored to join this company and to provide you with exceptional service so that all your insurance needs continue to be met to your satisfaction.

I am convinced the relationship between the insured and his or her agent is critically important; my staff and I will do everything in our power to make your transition to Rural Mutual Insurance smooth and seamless.  Our commitment to you is to:

  • conduct periodic policy review to discuss the right insurance coverage to protect your world;

  • provide you with information on Life and Annuity products that will benefit you and your family;

  • to keep you up-to-date on new products that would benefit you;

  • provide exceptional claims service through Rural Mutual adjusters that are well trained to provide fast and fair claims resolution;

  • keep you up-to-date on any rate changes that will affect your policy;

I’m looking forward to meeting you so that we can get to know each other and review your policies. 
More about Charles

Talk to Charles Collier About Insurance Services Offered

Serving Oconomowoc, WI, and the surrounding area

Annuities can be a great addition to your retirement income strategy.
Auto Insurance
Including cars, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, and roadside assistance


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Commercial business, home-based business, ag-based business, and more


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Including property coverage, farm vehicle insurance, crop and livestock insurance


We offer this service through a separate website. By following this link you are leaving

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Health coverage, disability income, long-term care insurance


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Including homeowner's insurance, renter's insurance, and condo insurance


We offer this service through a separate website. By following this link you are leaving

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Term life, whole life, indexed universal life
The current agent is found in the CurrentAgent model property; there will always be one in an agent section of the website, but corporate pages this may be null:
Charles Collier
RuralMutual -> False
Copy/paste for code for View preview:
<li><b>AboutUrl:</b> @Model.AboutUrl</li>
<li><b>AgentTitle:</b> @Model.AgentTitle</li>
<li><b>Articles:</b> @Model.Articles</li>
<li><b>Awards:</b> @Model.Awards</li>
<li><b>MeetSubtitle:</b> @Model.MeetSubtitle</li>
<li><b>PrimaryOffice:</b> @Model.PrimaryOffice</li>
<li><b>RequestQuoteCtaLabel:</b> @Model.RequestQuoteCtaLabel</li>
<li><b>RequestQuoteCtaUrl:</b> @Model.RequestQuoteCtaUrl</li>
<li><b>ServiceLines:</b> @Model.ServiceLines</li>
<li><b>ShowDisclosuresLink:</b> @Model.ShowDisclosuresLink</li>
<li><b>ShowInvestmentsLink:</b> @Model.ShowInvestmentsLink</li>
<li><b>ShowGoogleReviewCta:</b> @Model.ShowGoogleReviewCta</li>
<li><b>ShowInlineLinksSection:</b> @Model.ShowInlineLinksSection</li>
<li><b>ShowOfficeAddress:</b> @Model.ShowOfficeAddress</li>
<li><b>ShowTestimonialsSection:</b> @Model.ShowTestimonialsSection</li>
<li><b>Testimonials:</b> @Model.Testimonials</li>
<li><b>ViewPath:</b> @Model.ViewPath</li>
<li><b>ArticleHeadline:</b> @Model.ArticleHeadline</li>
<li><b>DisclosuresUrl:</b> @Model.DisclosuresUrl</li>
<li><b>InvestmentsUrl:</b> @Model.InvestmentsUrl</li>
<li><b>MeetCopy:</b> @Model.MeetCopy</li>
<li><b>MeetPhotoAttachment:</b> @Model.MeetPhotoAttachment</li>
<li><b>MeetPhotoUrl:</b> @Model.MeetPhotoUrl</li>
<li><b>NewClientsUrl:</b> @Model.NewClientsUrl</li>
<li><b>ServicesHeadline:</b> @Model.ServicesHeadline</li>
<li><b>ServicesSubheader:</b> @Model.ServicesSubheader</li>
<li><b>TestimonialsHeadline:</b> @Model.TestimonialsHeadline</li>
<li><b>ArticlesOverride:</b> @Model.ArticlesOverride</li>

Agent Setting treenode based properties are also available in CurrentAgent: