How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Your life insurance needs change throughout life. Enter details of your current situation to find out how much coverage you may need.

Want to learn more about the benefits of life insurance? Visit our Learning Center.

* indicates a required field

First four (4) fields must have an input before showing estimates.
Please enter a number between 15 and 85.
Do you use tobacco products?
Do you own or rent your home?
How much do you owe on your home?
Please enter a number between $0 and $750,000.
How much is your monthly rent?
Please enter a number between $0 and $5,000.
How much additional debt do you have?
Please enter a number between $0 and $200,000.
What is your annual take-home pay?
Please enter a number between $0 and $250,000.
How much do you want to leave for the future education of loved ones?
Please enter a number between $0 and $500,000.
How much do you want to leave for a charitable legacy?
Please enter a number between $0 and $500,000.
How much life insurance do you have in place today?
Please enter a number between $0 and $500,000.

Recommended Coverage Amount

$ 0

Coverage Options & Estimates

Based on the information you provided, below are estimates for some of our popular life insurance options. Your Farm Bureau Agent will work with you to identify the policy and price that fits you best.

Choice Term Life Insurance
Want to learn more about whole life insurance? Visit our Want to learn more about whole life insurance? learning center.

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Often seen as the simplest and cheapest place to start, term life insurance offers coverage for a specific period like 10, 20 or 30 years.

All Life Insurance
Want to learn more about whole life insurance? Visit our Want to learn more about whole life insurance? learning center.

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Permanent life insurance offers consistent coverage for your whole life and earns cash value that can be accessed while you’re living.

Foundations Indexed Universal Life Insurance
Want to learn more about whole life insurance? Visit our Want to learn more about whole life insurance? learning center.

Connect with an agent.

Indexed universal life insurance provides more advanced life insurance and retirement savings opportunities.

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Questions? Contact an agent.

  • What’s the Difference Between Term and Whole Life Insurance?
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