Your Checklist for Moving to a New City or State

Uprooting your whole life and moving it from one place to another is challenging, there’s no doubt about it. From organizing the logistics of packing to actually transporting your belongings and getting your family situated, there are a lot of moving parts (pun intended) to coordinate. But don’t fret. We’re here to help ensure a smooth transition for your move to a new city or state.
Set appropriate cancel dates with your current utility accounts and either transfer or order new services for your soon-to-be new home. If you contract with a security alarm service, find out if you need to take equipment with you or if upgraded items will be provided. Don’t forget about internet and cable services, as well. Schedule a service appointment for during or after move-in day so that you aren’t waiting weeks to get connected. Setting up a system for paying your new bills will give you one less task to worry about as you’re checking things off your moving checklist.
Whether you’re moving to a new city or state, you’ll need to file a change of address notification with USPS. This alerts carriers that your mail is to be forwarded from your old address to your new one. Do you receive important mail like paychecks or tax documents from businesses or individuals? Make sure you notify them of your new address so that you receive your mail in a timely manner. You should also notify the IRS unless you’re just about to file your tax returns and have all forms in hand. Change your billing address info on your credit cards, with your banks and for any online ordering systems you use, as well. (Here’s a complete list of who to notify of your change of address.)
If you’re moving out of state, your car insurance policy may have to change to meet your new home state’s requirements. Call your insurance provider to ensure you have proper auto coverage in your new state. Most providers operate in multiple states throughout the country, so there’s a good chance you’ll be able to keep the same car insurance provider when you move, although you might have to make some adjustments to the policy itself.
Whether you have homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance, you’ll want to make sure you contact your provider to notify them of your move and update your policies to cover your new residence. If you’re a renter, make transferring renter’s insurance to your new address a priority, as some property managers require a valid policy on move-in day. If you’re moving out of state, check with your insurance provider to see if they are licensed to write and manage polices in that state. Pro tip: Hold on to your current property insurance until after you move out of your home so that if damage occurs during the move, your insurance may cover you.
Cancel your local newspaper subscription if you have one, and remember to update your address on any regular subscription boxes you receive, like meal kits, wine clubs or clothing or grooming packs. This is also a good time to review the monthly services you’re subscribed to and cancel the ones you no longer use. Managing your spending will help offset moving expenses, so take the time to organize your bills as you go through this checklist for moving to a new city or state.
Research reputable vets in your new community and ask your current vet to forward your pet’s records. Schedule an appointment with the new vet within 30 days of your move to get Sparky his local vaccination tags. Update address info on your pet’s microchip and on any mail-order heartworm tabs, flea and tick meds or other prescriptions. (Check out our additional tips for moving with a furry family member.)
If you’ve got little ones, look into childcare providers ahead of your moving date. You may find it helpful to already have care arranged so you can drop kids off to play and keep them out of harm’s way during move-in day. If you’ve got school-age kids, find out what records the prospective school needs in advance so you don’t have any surprises or holdups when you arrive.
Before your move, find an in-network pharmacy near your new place of residence and transfer any prescription meds to that location. Check refill expiration dates and ask your current doc to renew prescriptions that may be running low. Download pharmacy apps right away for a seamless refill process.
Find a new “health home” for your family. Within a few weeks of your move to a new city or state, get everyone scheduled for a visit with a primary care provider in the community. That way you’ll already be an established patient and will have easier access to appointments and referrals when health needs crop up.
This is an important item on the checklist, especially if you’re moving to a new state. Once you’re settled in your new home, head to the local DMV to transfer your driver’s license. You’ll also need to register any vehicles and get the appropriate license plates. Most states allow 30 days for compliance once you arrive. In many cases, you can change your address online for an in-state move.
If you’re at the DMV (see above), you can take the opportunity to register to vote in your new district. Otherwise, be sure to register at a specified location before your state’s voter-registration deadline prior to an upcoming election.
Still have questions about the ins and outs of moving to a new city or state? Call your Farm Bureau agent to discuss any questions or concerns you have about transferring your car and property insurance coverage.