Are You Prepared for Severe Weather?

When severe weather hits, you may not have time to grab emergency essentials. Prepare now by building an emergency supply kit in your home. Think about your basic supply needs, and then consider the unique needs of family members. If Mother Nature strikes, you’ll be prepared.
After you have created your emergency supply kit, it’s important to review the items every six months. Even non-perishable food has a “best by” date. Be sure to check flashlights and stock fresh batteries so they are charged and ready-to-go when you need them. Have your fire extinguishers professionally inspected every year.
When you practice storm readiness, be sure to designate a storm meeting spot in your home. It may be a basement or interior room that is easily accessible and will remain warm and dry. Consider buying a clear plastic tote for your emergency supply kit, and clearly label it so that it is easy to spot and access. Make sure the lid fits firmly and securely on top, and that no animals can burrow in. In case of an evacuation, try to keep a few key essentials in a grab-and-go bag.
Time spent preparing today can mean the difference between having the supplies you need in the event of an emergency and having to go without.
You can’t control the weather, but you can be as prepared as possible for severe weather. When it comes to storm preparation, creating an emergency readiness kit is one thing you can do. You can also schedule a SuperCheck® to review your coverage needs with your Farm Bureau agent, and be as prepared as possible. If the unexpected does happen to you or your family this weather season, your Farm Bureau agent will be there, ready to help you get back on your feet when it matters most. Download the Farm Bureau Financial Services App on your smartphone so that your agent contact information will be at your fingertips.