How to Protect Your Car From the Summer Heat

Jul 5, 2023 1 min read

While you may already be in the habit of prepping your car for winter’s snow, ice and sleet, summer car care often goes overlooked. Intense heat and sun exposure can affect your vehicle, too. Do you know how to protect your car from the sun and high temperatures come summertime?  

Summer Car Care Tips

From zapped batteries to paint discoloration, heat exposure can do a number on your vehicle. Keep your car cool and protected all summer long with these car sun protection strategies.

Safeguard Your Battery

High temperatures can evaporate your battery's vital liquids, weaken its charge and speed up the corrosion process. Keep it in good shape by limiting short car trips, not using lights or electronics when the car is turned off and ensuring that both the battery and its posts are clean, since dirt can become a conductor. 

Keep Your Car Looking New

Constant exposure to UV light can cause the paint on your car to deteriorate over time, causing the exterior to turn dull, fade in color, and develop a crusty, white surface. Left untreated, it may eventually start to peel and fall off, ultimately lowering your vehicle’s resale value. The best way to prevent damage to your car is by keeping your car in the garage or using a car cover if it is parked outside. Washing your car and polishing or waxing regularly can also protect your car from heat and keep your paint job looking fresh.

Monitor Tire Pressure

Tires typically lose or gain 1 pound per square inch (PSI) for every 10 degrees of temperature change, which means that if your car sits outside all day and the temperature rises from 70 to 90 degrees, your tires could gain as much as 2 PSI. Overinflated tires can wear prematurely and cause the car to perform poorly overall, so be sure to keep an eye on your tire pressure during the warmer months.

Protect What’s Inside the Car

From working remotely to shuttling kids to summer camps, your car often becomes an extension of your home. But in hot weather, this can pose a risk to your belongings and your loved ones as leather seats and metal buckles become scalding hot. To keep your car cool in the summer, use sunshades or window visors, always opt for shady or covered parking when possible, leave your windows rolled down an inch or so, and keep valuable possessions out of the sun. 

Rain or Shine, We’ve Got You Covered

Whether you’re prepping for winter storms or hitting the open road for a week at the beach, we’re here to help with competitive prices and knowledgeable agents to guide you every step of the way. Connect with a local Farm Bureau agent today to get the customizable auto coverage you need.

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