Can You Get Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam?

Feb 14, 2025 2 min read

Life insurance may still be available for those seeking no-physical life insurance. Learn how you may be able to skip traditional exams without compromising your coverage. 

Traditionally, before you buy a traditional term life insurance policy or whole life insurance plan, your insurer will want you to get a physical. That’s because they want to check to see if you have any health conditions that could shorten your lifespan. 

During these physicals, a health care provider will typically:

  • Check your height and weight, pulse and blood pressure
  • Take a blood sample and have you provide a urine sample for testing
  • Ask health questions and request a list of the doctors you’ve seen recently and any medications you may be taking

With the information they get from the physical, they can test for conditions that could shorten your lifespan such as HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, drug or tobacco use and signs that could indicate heart disease, diabetes or kidney issues. These are often part of the underwriting process.

How to Secure Life Insurance With No Medical Exam

It’s possible to get life insurance without a medical exam. This is sometimes referred to as “insurance with no medical” or “skip the medical exam life insurance.” Options include accelerated underwriting, simplified issue life insurance, guaranteed life insurance and group life insurance.

What Is Accelerated Underwriting?

Accelerated underwriting can get your life insurance coverage in place more quickly compared to processes that require a medical exam. 

To qualify for this type of life insurance with no medical exam, you will probably have to:

  • Answer questions about your health and risk factors
  • Provide your medical history and a list of medications you take
  • Share any previous life insurance applications
  • Disclose whether you have a history of risky driving or you take part in dangerous activities

Accelerated underwriting may be a particularly good option for younger and healthier people seeking life insurance. It may not be available to everyone depending on age, known health conditions and size of the life insurance policy.  

Simplified Issue Life Insurance: Quick and Easy Coverage

Simplified issue life insurance is fast and uncomplicated. You won’t have to answer as many health questions or provide as much data as with accelerated underwriting. However, it can cost more and offer lower death benefits.

This type of policy may be a good option for individuals looking for no-physical life insurance that is fast and uncomplicated. Sometimes you can even get life insurance coverage the same day. 

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance: No Questions Asked

Guaranteed issue life insurance policies can help cover final expenses and funeral costs without factoring in your health. You don’t have to answer any health questions or provide any documents. In some cases, if you pass away within a certain period, the insurer will refund your premiums but not pay death benefits. 

These life insurance plans are usually expensive and have low limits, and most people only choose them if they don’t qualify for any other life insurance policies

Group Life Insurance: Employer-Provided Coverage

Group life insurance is typically paid for by your employer and doesn’t require a medical exam. This type of plan usually offers a lower level of life insurance coverage for the specific term in which you are employed. That means you no longer have access to it if you change employers. However, some employers do offer the option to convert your group life insurance into an individual life insurance policy within a short time period of you leaving their employ, allowing you to keep some coverage.

Protect Your Loved Ones With Life Insurance, No Medical Exam Required

It can be easier than you think  to protect your family in case you’re not there to provide for them.

Connect with a Farm Bureau agent who can walk you through your options and help you decide what type of life insurance coverage is right for you.

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