How Does a Life Insurance Payout Work?

Planning for things like death is never easy, but it is one of the greatest gifts you can offer your loved ones. Read on to learn more about how life insurance works, the different payout options and any tax implications.
A life insurance policy pays out a death benefit when an insured person dies, which for many families, brings some peace of mind during a stressful time. You may have young children whose education you’d like to pay for, or your spouse may need help to pay off a mortgage or other debts.
Life insurance payouts are sent to the beneficiaries listed on your policy when you pass away. Following the death of an insured, it is important to contact the life insurance company as soon as possible to begin the claims process. Life insurance companies will likely require paperwork and supporting evidence to process the claim and payout.
If you are the beneficiary of the policy, you may have to provide a copy of the policy with the claims paperwork. They’ll also want a certified copy of the death certificate. You’ll also need to provide a signed statement of claim, which is sometimes called a request for benefits.
Life insurance benefits are typically paid when the insured party dies. After a beneficiary files a death claim, most states allow insurers 30 days to review the claim, after that they can pay it out, deny it or ask for additional information. If a company denies your claim, they generally provide a reason why. Most insurance companies pay within 30-60 days after the claim is made. Different things can cause a delay in payment. Make sure you talk to your agent to understand situations that would delay your insurance payment.
When you purchase your life insurance, you can decide how your death benefit is paid out. Talk to your agent to go over what the best option is for you and your loved ones:
The death benefit from a life insurance policy is typically tax-free, especially when it comes to a lump sum payout. However, there are exceptions, and any interest you earn on a death benefit is taxable. If you’re receiving installment payments, expect to report some income on your taxes.
Talk to your Farm Bureau agent to ensure you have the best life insurance payout option for you and your family’s needs.
Neither the Company nor its agents or advisors give tax, accounting or legal advice. Consult your professional advisor in these areas.