Can Money Buy Happiness? The Importance of Financial Wellness

They say money can’t buy happiness, is it true? The connections between money and happiness have been pondered for decades. According to LendingTree, 19% of Americans think money can buy happiness, while 70% agree it can reduce stress. Personal finances and financial planning could be tools to making your life stress free.
The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau defines financial wellness as “the feeling of having financial security and financial freedom of choice, in the present and when considering the future.” Another commonly used term for financial wellness is financial fitness.
Prioritizing financial wellness can have a positive impact on many areas of your life. Creating a plan and saving allows you to relieve stress and feel more secure. Below we outline how financial wellness can benefit you and the steps to help you achieve it.
Achieving a state of financial wellness or financial health allows you to relieve financial stress, which can contribute to elevating your overall quality of life. Living within your means and building savings will mean you’re more capable of absorbing financial shock like surprise bills. You’ll also be more capable to treat yourself to the things you most enjoy like travel. Financial wellness can also contribute to your physical health, allowing you access to things like a gym membership and healthy foods.
When you’re assessing your financial wellness, it’s important to consider both your financial strengths and weaknesses. Identifying your weak spots can help you find areas where you can improve. It’s a good idea to assess your financial fitness on a regular basis so that you can use the below tactics to work towards your financial goals.
According to a survey of more than 1,000 Americans found that 80% of people do budget. Plus, 88% of those budgeters said it got them or kept them out of debt. Money management practices are a good way to stay on top of your finances so you don’t fall behind. When you create a budget, it’s important to have a good understanding of where you’re spending your money and prioritize what is important to you.
If you’re in debt, you’re far from alone. The average American has $90,460 in debt, according to a 2021 CNBC report, which includes all types of consumer debt products, from credit cards to personal loans, mortgages and student debt. Start getting out of debt can feel overwhelming, but there are steps to take that can make it seem more manageable.
Unexpected expenses come up and they can be costly. These can be relatively small like car repairs or parking tickets, but this could also be events with bigger implications like getting laid off or an accident requiring medical care. It’s stressful when you’re not prepared. Creating an emergency fund will allow you to regularly set aside small amounts of money into a savings account for those surprise bills.
If you’re looking to take control of your financial wellness, talk to a Farm Bureau advisor who can help you map out your future and the steps you need to take to reach your goals.