Creating the Perfect Care Package for Your College Student
Your college student has been away at school for a few months, and they are probably missing the comforts of home. Though you can’t send them what they really want (a home-cooked meal from your kitchen!) you can send a bit of home to their dorm room with the right care package. From wants to dorm room necessities, we have some tips on building great care packages for your favorite college student.
At this point in the semester, your student is probably sick of the cafeteria fare, and they can only stretch their college student budget so far. Single serve soup bowls or mac and cheese will be a big hit! Consider oatmeal, cereal and granola bars too — as finals approach, they may be studying into the night, and a nutritious snack may help them power through.
If your student is within driving distance, send gift cards for gas or food to make their travels easier. You can easily drop these in the mail or email and will be a huge hit with your student!
With finals looming, a stress ball or an over-the-door basketball hoop will help relieve the tension and offer an excuse for a quick study break.
Dorm rooms aren’t large enough for a lot of décor, but you could help your student get into the holiday spirit by including Christmas lights, garland, and stockings for the wall in your college student’s care package.
For the student whose phone is always running on empty, consider a long phone charging cord with an adaptor that can be plugged into the laptop, or a portable phone charger.
Your college student may not be cleaning their dorm room as much as you would like. (It happens!) Don’t let the funk take over — send an air freshener that plugs into the wall, scent sprays, or oil diffusers in the care package. Avoid sending scented candles, though — most dorms discourage lit candles that can be a fire hazard.
Dorm rooms can get drafty and walking across campus can give students the chills. Your student may not have packed all their winter gear when they left for school in August or September. Pack a sweater and a couple of pairs of warm socks. It will feel like a warm hug from you!
What student doesn’t appreciate a good cup of coffee? Most students don’t have the budget to get their daily dose from the coffee shop on the corner, so send supplies so they can make their favorite cup in their dorm. You can find reusable pods for most single serve coffee machines. Be sure to add a travel mug and their favorite flavored coffee, too!
Your student probably has a million photos on their phone, sure, but it’s not the same as a framed family photo. Consider a digital frame that you can update from afar, so they never feel out of touch!
You can surprise your student or let them know they have a care package coming via email or text. The anticipation might help snap them out of a moment of homesickness and give them something to look forward to.
Your favorite student will be home for winter break before you know it! Help them finish their semester strong with a care package from home. No matter what you include, your student will appreciate getting mail from you!