5 Ways to Minimize Agricultural Pollution on Your Farm

Agricultural pollution could end up causing injury or property damage that could cost a lot of money to resolve. There are several ways to prevent accidents caused by pollution on the farm, especially regarding nutrient runoff.
Landscaping isn’t just for beauty anymore. Planting trees, shrubs and grasses along the edges of your fields to add as a conservation buffer can help prevent any runoff. This is especially helpful if you have a field that borders any body of water. These buffers will help absorb nutrients that may run off or can help filter nutrients before they reach the water.
An easy way to improve nutrient management techniques practices is by ensuring you are applying the fertilizer in the right amount, at the right time of the year, using the correct method and in the right spot. Accuracy can help prevent runoff from farm fields that could affect other farms, livestock or water supply.
Installing fences along any streams, rivers or lakes to keep livestock out of them can help restore the stream banks. It also prevents the livestock from dragging in nutrients or other agricultural pollutants into the water. Make sure the livestock have access to other sources of fresh water instead.
Using a more conservative tillage schedule can help reduce erosion, runoff and soil compaction, which helps reduce the chances of nutrients reaching waterways or non-owned land. Minimal tilling is also beneficial in improving soil quality, reducing soil sheet erosion and reducing crop establishment time and energy use.
Along with having an accurate nutrient management technique, having a manure management plan is important to preventing agricultural pollution. Using manure is a common practice that can help replace fertilizer application. The long-term benefits include an increase in soil productivity in the long run. Your plan could include soil sampling and assessment, your preferred nutrient management techniques, and investing in manure storage structures that can help avoid the risk of spills and water contamination.
We have an industry-leading Ag Pollution Liability Coverage that can help protect you in the case of a pollution accident. Contact your local Farm Bureau agent to learn more.