Meet Stephanie

Farm Bureau Agent for 12 years

Hi, I'm Steph Peterson with Farm Bureau Financial services.  Thank you for visiting my website!  Should any insurance needs arise feel free to call my office 402-421-6798 or email me at

I grew up on a farm about 45 miles NW of Kearney, NE where we raised cattle and farmed and went to school in Ansley.  After high school I came to Lincoln for college and studied at Southeast Community College and Bellevue University.  While in college I got a job at our regional Farm Bureau office and as time went on worked my way up and eventually became an agent!

I now live outside of Lincoln near Bennet with my husband, Randy and our two beautiful daughters Kenli age 6 and Sadie age 3.  We live on an acreage so we love to be outside.  We like to go golfing, fishing, and camping on the weekends when we have time. 

I am a pretty laid back person who truly enjoys talking, and getting to know people which is one of the many reasons I love being an agent at Farm Bureau.  So if you are ever in the neighborhood, please feel free to stop in and say hello!

More about Stephanie
The current agent is found in the CurrentAgent model property; there will always be one in an agent section of the website, but corporate pages this may be null:
Stephanie Peterson
None -> False
Copy/paste for code for View preview:
<li><b>AboutUrl:</b> @Model.AboutUrl</li>
<li><b>AgentTitle:</b> @Model.AgentTitle</li>
<li><b>Articles:</b> @Model.Articles</li>
<li><b>Awards:</b> @Model.Awards</li>
<li><b>MeetSubtitle:</b> @Model.MeetSubtitle</li>
<li><b>PrimaryOffice:</b> @Model.PrimaryOffice</li>
<li><b>RequestQuoteCtaLabel:</b> @Model.RequestQuoteCtaLabel</li>
<li><b>RequestQuoteCtaUrl:</b> @Model.RequestQuoteCtaUrl</li>
<li><b>ServiceLines:</b> @Model.ServiceLines</li>
<li><b>ShowDisclosuresLink:</b> @Model.ShowDisclosuresLink</li>
<li><b>ShowInvestmentsLink:</b> @Model.ShowInvestmentsLink</li>
<li><b>ShowGoogleReviewCta:</b> @Model.ShowGoogleReviewCta</li>
<li><b>ShowInlineLinksSection:</b> @Model.ShowInlineLinksSection</li>
<li><b>ShowOfficeAddress:</b> @Model.ShowOfficeAddress</li>
<li><b>ShowTestimonialsSection:</b> @Model.ShowTestimonialsSection</li>
<li><b>Testimonials:</b> @Model.Testimonials</li>
<li><b>ViewPath:</b> @Model.ViewPath</li>
<li><b>ArticleHeadline:</b> @Model.ArticleHeadline</li>
<li><b>DisclosuresUrl:</b> @Model.DisclosuresUrl</li>
<li><b>InvestmentsUrl:</b> @Model.InvestmentsUrl</li>
<li><b>MeetCopy:</b> @Model.MeetCopy</li>
<li><b>MeetPhotoAttachment:</b> @Model.MeetPhotoAttachment</li>
<li><b>MeetPhotoUrl:</b> @Model.MeetPhotoUrl</li>
<li><b>NewClientsUrl:</b> @Model.NewClientsUrl</li>
<li><b>ServicesHeadline:</b> @Model.ServicesHeadline</li>
<li><b>ServicesSubheader:</b> @Model.ServicesSubheader</li>
<li><b>TestimonialsHeadline:</b> @Model.TestimonialsHeadline</li>
<li><b>ArticlesOverride:</b> @Model.ArticlesOverride</li>

Agent Setting treenode based properties are also available in CurrentAgent: